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Foto do escritor: Ana CarvalhoAna Carvalho


TEXT DESCRIPTION: Jewellery from goldsmiths, artists and designers is to be put up for auction in support of the CORONAVIRUS emergency.

100% of the proceeds will be donated to the fight against CORONAVIRUS in Italy. WHO ARE WE DONATING TO? TO THE CROCE ROSSA ITALIANA (Italian Red Cross) or alternatively you can choose from the GOFUNDME #insieme against CORONAVIRUS campaigns here: DO YOU WANT TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE CAUSE? IF YOU ARE A GOLDSMITH, DESIGNER AND JEWELLERY ARTIST From Monday 16 March 2020 to 23 March 2020. Each artist, designer, goldsmith is invited to participate by selling his or her own jewellery at auction, the proceeds of which will be donated ENTIRELY to charity for the emergency currently in progress in Italy. PARTICIPATION METHODS SHARE IN THE GROUP the photof of the jewel that you decided to donate to the charity See SAMPLE photo!

  • The first photo on a white background with description (title, materials, size, starting price)

  • other photos in the comments (eg.: being worn, various angles, detail, in the hand)

  • a link to your site.

  • starting price

For the Italian description of the pice feel free to ask the admins of the group.

You can donate more than one piece following the same instructions.

Once your POST has been approved it will be visible but the auction will start on the 24th of March, in the comments. The winner will be awarded your piece of jewellery that you will be responsible for shipping at your expense as soon as the emergency is over. This is to restrict movement and taking unnecessary advantage of shipping services.


IF YOU ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT HANDCRAFTEDJEWELLERYAND DESIGN, THE STARTING DATE AND END OF THE AUCTION: from 24 March to 26 March 2020. Take part in this jewellery auction created by goldsmiths, artists and designers who will donate their creations for the fight against CORONAVIRUS. You will be able to win a one-of-a-kind piece of jewellerywhile contributing to the cause. The entire amount will be donated to charity by yourself. HOW? In the CROWN JEWELS FUNDING Facebook Group scroll through the jewellery for auction POSTS. WRITE your offer in the comments section of the POSTwhere you have found the piece(s) of jewellery you are interested in. If at the end of the auction you have won, donate the final amount to: CROCE ROSSA ITALIANA

by Bank transfer Solidarity account dedicated only to fundraising: IT 93 H 02008 03284 000105889169 Registered to Associazione della Croce Rossa Italiana

Paypal → Otherwise choose the campaign you would like to support at: Send the receipt / email / payment confirmation (a screenshot is also ok) with your Shipping address to The shipment of the jewellery will take place as soon as the emergency is over, according to the situation of the sender and the recipient. We appreciate your patience and understanding. You will be contacted by the artist whose object you have purchased for more information.


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