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The new normal

Foto do escritor: Ana CarvalhoAna Carvalho

Portugal ended the Emergency State on May 2nd and with it the mandatory confinement. The country is slowly opening, but Covid is still spreading in areas around Lisbon.

Now that in person classes at Ar.Co restarted, I keep wearing a mask, solcialling distancing outside whenever it's possible and often sanitizing my hands. Upon returning home, I keep doing all the confinement routines, just in case.

It was great to see the students that are able to safely attend the in person classes. We were all missing it.

I also got to hold in my hands the pieces that they had been working on. We all looked like kids in a candy store!

Alguns dos trabalhos realizados em quarentena:

Andrea Sepulveda, Sofia Matinhos e Lilite Martins

I got to meet (in person) for lunch with friends, return to some of my out of the house routines.

Since May 2nd, I already had to be confined for 14 days. One of my acquainteces was with a person with mild symptoms that tested positive for Covid-19. The good news is that we are all well. Even the person in question, is now Covid-19 negative.

During this time I got to "online teach" the Ar.Co students that are still home.

To my dismay, frustration, horror, I watched the news on science deniers, racists and bigots.

I couldn't stop myself and joined the online protest in support of BLACK LIVES MATTER.

After this re-confinement, I got to return to teaching in person. Besides the regular classes, I finally had the chance to finnish the "Workshop de Joalharia: Fazer uma jóia em Acrílico". Those were my most patient students. They couldn't work home with all their pieces, materials and tools in Ar.Co.

Not all could return for the last two sessions, but those who could got to finish their pieces and do the remaning exercises.

Workshop: Fazer uma jóia em Acrílico

Trabalhos de Erica, Fernando, Joana e Sol.

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